On June 28th, 2017, the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) published Version 4.0 of the REACH Guidance on requirements for substances in articles” to facilitate the implementation of REACH (EU regulation N. 1907/2006).
According to the ECHA’s website: This document assists producers and importers of articles in identifying whether they have obligations under REACH; in particular in relation to registration and notification according to Article 7, and in relation to article supply chain communication according to Article 33.
Major updates include the clarification of the article definition in complex products as well as notification & communication obligations, according to the judgment of the Court of Justice of September 10th, 2015.
This guide is the Bible of producer/importers of physical products (called articles in the REACH regulation) that potentially contain SVHCs (Substances of Very High Concern).
Knowing and declaring on the Echa SCIP database the presence of SVHCs above the threshold of 0.1 at the part level is mandatory.
Enviropass can assist you with REACH SVHC.
Ask Enviropass for a free online consultation!
Le 28 juin 2017, l’Agence européenne des produits chimiques (ECHA) publiait la version 4.0 du ”Guide des exigences applicables au substances contenues dans les articles” afin de faciliter la mise en œuvre de REACH (règlement européen no 1907/2006).
Selon le site de ECHA: Ce document a pour but d’aider les producteurs et les importateurs d’articles à déterminer s’ils ont des obligations au titre de REACH, en particulier concernant l’enregistrement et la notification (article 7) et la communication au sein de la chaîne d’approvisionnement des articles (article 33).
Les principaux apports incluent la clarification de la définition d’article pour des produits complexes ainsi que les obligations de notifications & communication, selon le jugement de la Court de justice du 10 septembre 2015.