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ISO 19011 version 2018

Here is the gist about (ISO 19001) ISO 19011 version 2018 – Guidelines for auditing management systems.

What is new with ISO 19011?

Compared to the 19011:2011 edition, the 19011:2018 version gives:

  • More inclusive concepts of risk management;

  • Further guidance for audit planning;

  • Broader requirements for competent auditors;

  • Processes orientation;

  • Expansion of Annex A with new approaches such as virtual audits.

19011:2018 is the third edition of this standard and replaces 19011:2011. Indeed, the standard was updated to address the need for a broader, more generic approach to auditing because of the publication of several new management system standards since the 2011 edition.

What is the Purpose of ISO 19001?

In a nutshell, this standard is for auditing, especially regarding ISO 14001 environmental management systems, e.g. internal or external audits, compliance assessments, etc. It guides different types of organizations and audits of various scales. It focuses on:

  • 1st party (internal),
  • 2nd party (e.g. external supplier audit), and
  • 3rd party (e.g. independent certification body) audits. 

What is the Importance of Audits?

Environmental Audit

First, audits are independent procedures conducted to determine if an organization fulfills the predetermined audit criteria and to obtain objective evidence that supports the conclusion.

Specifically, businesses use audits to determine if they are compliant with environmental regulations, workplace safety laws, and other requirements. Additionally, companies conduct audits to evaluate whether their financial records are accurate and review different systems, processes, and databases to boost efficiency.

In short, findings allow an organization to identify risks and good practices, thus opening the door for growth.

What is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-governmental international organization that develops International Standards to come up with solutions for worldwide issues.

The ISO’s vision is to improve people’s quality of life around the globe, and its mission is to attain a sustainable future for humankind by:

  • Developing standards that support global trade;
  • Encouraging equitable economic growth;
  • Propelling technological innovation;
  • Advocating health and safety.


As a side note, other international organizations like IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) also publish specific standards. For example, you can find a list of RoHS standards for the restriction of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.

ISO 19001 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations (UN) set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address global issues, such as poverty, inequality, war, climate change, and environmental degradation.

The ISO advances these goals by providing tools for organizations to improve.

ISO 19011 contributes to Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure by supporting sustainable industrialization. The standard also contributes to Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth by helping organizations conform to regulations that promote inclusive employment, protect the health and safety of employees, and promote sustainable economic growth.

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La version de la norme ISO 19011:2018 – Lignes directrices pour l’audit des systèmes de management – est désormais disponible.

Qu’est ce qui change avec ISO 19001?

Comparée à l’édition 19011 :2011, la version 19011 :2018:

  • Intègre davantage la notion de gestion du risque;

  • Guide davantage sur la planification d’un audit;

  • Élargit les exigences d’auditeurs compétents;

  • Adopte une orientation par processus;

  • Étoffe l’annexe A avec des nouveaux concepts tel que les audits virtuels.

Cette norme est utilisée pour la réalisation d’audits, notamment de systèmes de gestion environnementaux selon ISO 140001 ou autres: audits internes, externes, vérifications de conformité environnementale etc.