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Ecodesign of Electronic Displays

The EU Commission has instituted regulation 2019/2021, which defines ecodesign directives for electronic displays. Effective October 2019, the regulation lays out energy consumption parameters for displays used in many different applications, along with other important ecodesign requirements for electronic displays.

The Birth of Modern Electronic Displays

Electronic displays are found everywhere in modern business, both as standalone units (like televisions) and integrated into other products (like digital control panels). Before the Web 2.0 paradigm, TVs were the main product consumers would encounter that contained a display, and they were officially treated as dedicated products for ecodesign purposes.

Energy Efficiency - Ecodesign Requirements for Servers
Ecodesign of Electronic Displays
Ecodesign excluded Displays

However, as electronic displays have become more popular and better integrated into existing products, it no longer makes sense to treat every display as though it were a television. Indeed, regulation 2019/2021 describes the environmental regulation of displays using a definition that includes TVs. Electronic displays are governed according to application, screen area, and luminance/power consumption.

Some displays are exempt from 2019/2021 – for example:

  • interactive whiteboards,
  • virtual reality headsets, and
  • displays integrated into security or medical devices.

Ecodesign Considerations for Electronic Displays

With this in mind, ecodesign of electronic displays that does fall under regulation 2019/2021 must follow prescribed specifications. Producers must be mindful of things like device efficiency, the power demanded while the device operates in different modes, and the technical information packaged with the product. A display’s design will also contribute directly to how recyclable it will be once it cycles out of the market, according to the WEEE Directive.

Some key ecodesign parameters to consider include:

  • How the display functionality and brightness can affect the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI), and what allowances are given
  • The correct way to indicate the presence and composition of plastic parts
  • The correct way to indicate the presence of cadmium and other hazardous substances
  • How an electronic display should be designed for repair and reuse
  • EEI limits for on/off and standby modes


For example, 2019/2021 defines the “ON” mode EEI of an electronic tablet with

Energy Efficiency Index calcuation Displays

with a maximum index of 0.75 (effective March 2023) for an HD device. Thus, an HD tablet with a modest 1.2 dm2 display (A = 1.2) cannot exceed Pmeasured = 8.61 W power consumption during active operation.

Labels for Displays are Governed Separately

A final note for producers: the labels that will go on your displays need just as much attention as the displays themselves. Electronic displays are subject to separate guidelines for their packaging and advertisements, and their use falls under regulation 2019/2013 for this purpose.

For example, these Energy Efficiency Class labels are placed on visual advertisements and technical promotional material. This is only one example of information that must be provided to retailers and consumers.

Energy Efficiency Class labels arrows
energy label performance

Different markets can have different product environmental label requirements across similar products. The scope and presentation of any product information are subject to the standards defined in 2019/2013. This regulation covers not only your labels and instruction manuals but also product advertisements and technical promotions.

Many electronics sold in the global marketplace, including electronic displays, must bear standardized labels like this one that give information about the product’s environmental impact. This can include the device’s efficiency rating and net power consumed. Be sure to save time and stress: keep this in mind when planning your marketing cycles!

Do you still need more information about ecodesign requirements for electronic displays? Contact Enviropass and speak with one of our experts.