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NAS 411 is a support tool for aerospace companies to ensure their products are safe and reduce the impact of hazardous materials on the environment. 

The NAS 411 Standard in a Nutshell

In short, NAS411 encompasses National Aerospace Standards (NAS) to manage risks associated with hazardous materials (HAZMAT).

This standard stems from the Civil Aviation Environmental Committee. The aerospace industry commonly uses the standard for its services and its products as part of a management system. However, it can also help guide the production and manufacturing of various industrial sectors.


How to Implement a NAS 411 Hazardous Materials Management Program (HMMP)?

To achieve a hazardous materials management program (HMMP) that follows the NAS411 principles in your organization, you will have to complete several milestones:

Defining the Hazardous Materials Management Program

Hazardous Materials Management Program HMMP

First of all, you need to confirm the scope of your HMMP. For example, will it cover every facility or only some departments at risk?

To determine the scope, you may consider:

  • The potential adverse impacts on people, the environment, and equipment;
  • the situations restricting the performance of services and products.

NAS 411-1 and the HAZMAT List (HMTL)

hazmat list

Once the scope is defined, you can create the hazardous materials list you will manage via your HMMP. 

Standard NAS411-1 is interrelated with NAS411. It provides a hazardous materials target list (HMTL). Listed HAZMAT are either:

  • Prohibited;
  • Restricted; or
  • Tracked.

The HMMP Plan


Per NAS411, the organization must have an HMMP plan, which must be part of the organization’s management system. Among other things, such a plan describes:

  • the scope;
  • the organization structure in charge of the HMMP;
  • the HMTL with quantities and recordings, such as the suppliers’ safety data sheets (SDS);
  • the Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health (ESOH) risk assessment considering the substances hazardous properties;
  • the elimination, minimization, and management of the HMTL;
  • the HAZMAT alternative assessment, with cost, schedule, and performance indicators of risk mitigation;
  • the HAZMAT approval and procedure;
  • the requirements for subcontractors and suppliers, relevant to HAZMAT management.

The HMMP Report

hmmp report

Once planned, the organization will execute the HMMP. A report will reflect the actions and their outcome, including:

  • The identification of HAZMAT, and associated documents in appendix A of NAS411, such as SDS, declarations (like RoHSREACH, or California Prop. 65), drawings, etc.
  • Prohibited HAZMAT approval request, along with the risk assessments;
  • Subcontractors and suppliers relevant information.

NAS 411 - List of Acronyms

AIA: Aerospace Industries Association – represents manufacturers and supplies of aircraft and their related equipment, services, and technology.

ESOH: Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health – includes hazardous materials and waste, human safety and health, and environmental impacts.

HAZMAT: Hazardous Materials Materials – substances that are toxic to humans, flora, and fauna.

HMMP: Hazardous Materials Management Program – addresses how to properly handle hazardous materials to protect human health and the environment.

HMTL: Hazardous Materials Target List – includes prohibited, restricted, or tracked HAZMAT.

NAS: National Aerospace Standards – voluntary standards for the aerospace industry.

SDS: Safety Data Sheet – a document that summarizes the dangers of a product and the associated safety precautions.

Enviropass can help you implement a NAS411 Hazardous Materials Management Program. Don’t hesitate to contact Enviropass.