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RMI MRT – Version 6.01 Released

The latest CMRT version 6.01 was released on May 19th, 2020. As happens every year, an updated version of the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) is published by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI): RMI CMRT.

Who must fill in a RMI CMRT?

CMRTs are particularly useful for companies that must confirm the origin of the so-called 3TGs – Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum, and Gold – these conflict minerals that may be contained in your products.  This obligation applies to organizations that are directly impacted by the US SEC Dodd-Frank act and the European Union (EU) regulations.  Their supply chains are indirectly impacted since, for commercial reasons, they have to contribute to the 3TGs tracking.

How to comply with my Conflict Minerals Reporting obligations?

The idea here is to gather and verify  the 3TG (Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, and Gold) origin information from your supply chains to fill in your own declaration.  What information is necessary to demonstrate that you’ve performed due diligence?  For your convenience, the CMRT eases the exchange of data from your suppliers on the origin of 3TGs.

Can I use previous RMI CMRT versions?

Enviropass recommends the use of the 6.01 CMRT latest version to cover the whole 2020 calendar year period since the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) declaration deadline is May 31st for US public companies, every year.

Why should I update my statement with the latest RMI CMRT version?

As indicated by the Responsible Minerals Initiative RMI, the 6.01 version contains various improvements from the previous version, including:

  • The correction of errors and bugs.
  • The harmonization with the IPC-1755 standard and the EU, that has also developed a similar approach.
  • The update of the smelters’ list and its references, as in any new version.

We expect the following edition of the CMRT next year, in the Spring too. As a result, you will have to run the same exercise and keep your conflict minerals monitoring up to date.

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Enviropass.