In Canada, child products, including toys and other items intended for children, are subject to regulations set forth by Health Canada under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act. It is the CCPSA.
These regulations aim at ensuring that products intended for use by children do not pose harm to their health or safety. Chemical restrictions play a significant role in Canadian legislation. Here is an overview of the chemical restriction regulations for child products in Canada:
This legislation (S.C. 2010, c. 21) governs the safety of consumer products, including those intended for children. It gives Health Canada the authority to establish and enforce safety requirements for consumer products. Importantly, dozens of regulations stem from this Act. Some of them directly impact child products, like the:
Enviropass can do analytical testing of your products.
First, heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic are highly toxic. Indeed, they can pose serious health risks, especially to children who may ingest them through mouthing or contact with products. Health Canada has set strict limits on the amount of these heavy metals allowed in child products. For example:
Similarly, per Regulations SOR/2016-15, cribs, cradles, and bassinets must have reduced concentrations of heavy metals. The in-scope elements include antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, lead, mercury, and selenium. Other requirements may apply as well.
Finally, several methods can help you verify the presence of heavy metals in your products.
Phthalates are chemicals commonly used to soften plastics. Despite their valuable properties, some types of phthalates have been banned or restricted in toys and childcare items due to their potential adverse health effects. Indeed, scientists suspect hormonal disruption and developmental issues associated with some phthalates.
Consequently, under the Phthalates Regulations (SOR/2016-188), children’s products cannot have over 1,000 ppm of some phthalates, including:
Some flame retardant chemicals, such as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), have also been restricted or banned in children’s products due to concerns about their persistence and potential health impacts.
Formaldehyde is another restricted chemical in children’s items. It has commonly been present in adhesives and resins used in wood products. Health Canada limits formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products used in children’s furniture and other items to reduce exposure to this potentially harmful substance.
Finally, limits also apply to VOCs emitted from certain materials used in children’s products to ensure indoor air quality and minimize potential health risks associated with exposure to these chemicals.
Manufacturers, importers, and retailers are responsible for ensuring that the child products they sell comply with these chemical restriction regulations set forth by Health Canada. Non-compliance can result in penalties, recalls, and other enforcement actions.
Moreover, Canada is not the only country protecting children against harmful substances in products. For example, the US Federal CPSIA, the Washington CSPA, and the European Union with REACH Annex XVII also restrict hazardous chemicals in these products. Manufacturers selling worldwide should ensure to meet the strictest obligations.
Consumers need to look for products that meet Canadian safety standards and regulations, especially when purchasing items intended for use by children. Furthermore, parents and caregivers should regularly check for recalls and safety alerts issued by Health Canada to stay informed about potential hazards associated with child products.
What is the CCPSA regulation? It is a crucial legislation governing consumer product safety in Canada. The CCPSA came into force in 2011 and replaced the former Hazardous Products Act. It aims to protect children as well as the public in general. It intends to address or prevent dangers to human health or safety of consumer products. The main aspects of the CCPSA include the following:
First, the CCPSA applies to consumer products intended for use, consumption, or enjoyment in Canada, including products manufactured domestically or imported into the country for sale or distribution
The CCPSA imposes a general requirement that consumer products do not pose any danger to human health or safety when used as intended or in a foreseeable manner.
In detail, the CCPSA empowers the Minister of Health to designate specific products as prohibited or subject to restrictions if they pose an unreasonable danger to health or safety. Examples of prohibited products include toys with high levels of the toxic substances above.
Notably, manufacturers, importers, and sellers of consumer products must report incidents involving their products that result in death, serious injury, or other health or safety hazards to Health Canada.
Health Canada has broad powers of inspection and enforcement under the CCPSA to verify compliance with safety requirements, investigate incidents, and take appropriate enforcement actions, including recalls, warnings, and prosecution of non-compliant parties.
Notably, the CCPSA authorizes Health Canada to conduct tests and evaluations of consumer products to determine compliance with safety requirements and to identify potential hazards.
Non-compliance with the CCPSA can result in penalties, fines, or other enforcement measures, depending on the severity and nature of the violation.
Overall, the CCPSA establishes a comprehensive framework for ensuring the safety of consumer products in Canada and provides Health Canada with the authority and tools necessary to protect the public from potential health or safety risks associated with consumer products.
For any questions on CPPSA and how to ensure that your products comply, contact Enviropass!