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The REACH Candidate List with 224 SVHC

As of June 2022, one additional Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) is added to the 223 previous ones, for 224 SVHC in total. This new SVHC is N-(hydroxymethyl)acrylamide.

Details about the New SVHCs

In this table, you can find a summary of this chemical and what its applications (where used) are:

Substance Name




Where used





- Cancer

- Mutations

- Skin irritant

- Possibly reprotoxic

- Intermediate in polymer manufacturing of thermoplastics


Here is the REACH SVHC list and a summary of the SVHC and Annex XVII obligations to articles.

The Enviropass Product Environmental Compliance (EPEC) form is also updated accordingly.

Resorcinol; 1,3-benzenediol has also been considered on the candidate list. However, it was not added in June 2022.

Substance Name




Where used


Resorcinol; 1,3-benzenediol



- Harmful to aquatic life

- Skin irritant

- Possibly an endocrine disruptor

- Cosmetics and personal care

- pH regulator

- Detergents (consumer and professional applications)


Do you need support to build a strong supply chain due diligence system? Or do you have questions regarding your corporate obligations in the supply chain? Contact  Enviropass!


What to do Next to comply with REACH of 224 SVHC?

REACH is a European Union regulation for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and restriction of Chemicals. Importantly, it applies to substances (in pure form), mixtures, and so-called articles, such as a monitor, a piece of furniture, or a packaging item.

In summary, to comply with REACH, producers or importers must:

  • Assess their products against the presence of SVHCs. Indeed, producers or importers should communicate the articles containing any SVHC above the threshold of 0.1% w/w at the component level. To ease such public notification, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has developpes a SCIP database.
  • Verify their products meet the REACH Annex XVII requirements. This list provides substances restrictions or prohibitions in various applications or articles. It should be noted that ECHA regularly publishes amendments to the REACH Annex XVII.
  • Finally, like RoHS and other requirements, keep records and maintain their REACH documentation.
Reach SVHC Data

Enviropass can:

  • First, contact your supply chain and compile the environmental data on your behalf;
  • Second, perform risk assessments and test your materials at risk;
  • Third, give you certificates of compliance or corrective action plans.

Start your journey today! Get your free online consultation with Enviropass!