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  • Testing Lab
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REACH 235 SVHCs List Update

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) updates the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List every six months. The latest update includes two additional substances, bringing the total number of SVHCs to 235. The list identifies substances that may have hazardous properties, such as toxicity and persistence in the environment.


REACHing 235 SVHCs

The following substances were recently added to the EU REACH SVHCs list, along with their hazards and applications:

Substance Name



Applications (Where used)


Bis(4-chlorophenyl) sulphone (BCPS)


Very Persistent and Very Bioaccumulative (vPvB)

Used in the production of:

  • Polymers
  • Rubbers
  • Insecticides


Diphenyl(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) phosphine oxide


Toxic for reproduction

  • Plastics
  • Coating products
  • Adhesives and sealants
  • Photo-chemicals
  • Inks and toners
  • Polymers and fillers
  • Putties
  • Plasters
  • Modelling clary
  • Fabrics, textiles, and apparel
  • Paper


How to Comply with the 235 REACH SVHCs List Update

Audit your Supply Chain

First, perform your due diligence for all your suppliers in terms of EU REACH SVHCs. Request their environmental compliance information. Then, build your technical file by collecting relevant documentation such as:

SVHCs Research
  • Suppliers Certificates of Compliance (CoC)
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
  • Full Material Declarations (FMDs)
  • Data Sheets
  • Test Reports

Also, you can archive relevant documentation and organize them by supplier name and relevant part numbers. This will be useful for justification purposes.

Do a Risk Assessment against the SVHCs List

Assessing RoHS Large-scale product LSSIT LSFI

Whenever REACH SVHC information is not known for a component, a risk assessment is performed. Namely, this takes into consideration the trustworthiness of the supplier, the probability of a material being contained in your product, and the potential at-risk substances.

Perform Chemical Testing if Needed on Medium to High-Risk SVHCs

Oil testing laboratory

Missing information can be found by performing REACH 235 SVHC chemistry testing. Indeed, it can be a useful due diligence practice.

For instance, aim for an ISO 17025-certified laboratory that uses minimally destructive techniques to generate test reports. Indeed, this can be used to build your documentation file.

Do Not Know Where to Start to Comply with REACH SVHC? Enviropass has access to cutting-edge technology for your chemistry testing.

Notify the Public if Needed

To comply with REACH SVHC, you must notify the public of articles containing any SVHC above the threshold of 0.1% w/w at the component level.


Moreover, you may use the SCIP database, a uniformized public online database to accomplish this notification requirement.

Additionally, another REACH requirement is the Annex XVII. This list of substances is subject to restrictions within the European Union (EU). These substances are prohibited or restricted in specific applications or products. Companies must ensure compliance with this Annex as well.

Prepare EU REACH Certificates of Compliance

SVHCs Certificate of Compliance

Furthermore, preparing certificates of compliance ensures your customer and the EU that your due diligence is completed and that your product complies with the requirements of EU REACH.

What Format do you Need to Use?
Many formats are available. Nevertheless, a simple solution is to use the free Enviropass Product Environmental Compliance (EPEC) form which is robust enough to meet the ECHA’s requirements.

Start your journey to REACH SVHCs compliance today! Get your free online consultation with Enviropass!