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  • Testing Lab
  • Product Compliance Form
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Here is a video with its transcript to help you fill the EPEC form.

Hi and welcome to this tutorial on the Enviropass Product Environmental Compliance EPEC form.

You may have received a request from a business partner to fill in this form. Or you may want to audit your supply chain against regulations like EU RoHS, REACH, POP, Prop. 65, TSCA, Battery or Packaging regulations.

The EPEC form is a free tool you can use to gather the right and up-to-date information. Here is how to fill out the EPEC form!

Opening the EPEC Form

First-of-all, you need to access the Excel EPEC form from the Enviropass website by clicking on the Product Compliance Form. Scroll down a little and follow the pointing hand to the Excel symbol of the Enviropass Product Environmental Compliance (EPEC) Form.

Alternatively, you can click on ‘download’ here. Then you have access to the EPEC Excel form

Please click on ‘Enable Editing’ to fill in the relevant fields of the form. 

You can see different tabs at the bottom of the Excel window. You don’t need to necessarily fill in all the tabs, fill in the tab as requested only.

The Supplier's Information Tab

This general tab is always obligatory. And most fields are noted with an asterisk. They are mandatory. Please fill in these fields. Here is an example:

  • Company Name: Diligent Supplier Inc.
  • Authorized Representative First Name: Herman
  • Authorized Representative Last Name: Hollerith
  • Authorized Representative Title: Manager
  • Email: herman.hollerith@dilligentsupplier.com
  • Date: 2026-05-26
  • Part Numbers, Series, or Material References: Here, you can enter one or several part numbers that share the same compliance characteristics ”123-abc; 456-def; 789-ghi”. You can also list one or several series ”123-xxx; 456-xxx; 789-xxx” or you can indicate the materials references of a broader scope of parts, such as Aluminum frames 6061-T6 without finishall our white nylon parts, or all our active parts
  • Item/Series Name: Optionally, you can describe the parts in question: O-rings, 7.23 ID, 0.103″ OD.

Finally, feel free to add any comments.

Product Environmental Compliance Suppliers

The EU RoHS Tab of the EPEC Form

This tab applies if the European RoHS status is requested. The first question is mandatory: 

Do all the above parts contain less than 0.1 % by mass of homogeneous materials for hexavalent chromium, lead, mercury compounds, BBP, DBP, DEHP, DIBP, PBB, PBDE, and less than 0.01% by mass of homogeneous material for cadmium compounds? Please select the appropriate answer: either Unknown, Yes without exemption, Yes with exemption, or No. If the answer is Yes with exemption, then please answer the 2nd question.

You can select the applicable general exemptions, as well as those that are specific to medical devices or monitoring and control instruments. If you are unsure of what EU RoHS is about or what the exemptions are, click on this link to access more information.

The EU REACH Tab of the EPEC form

Similarly to EU RoHS, select the applicable answer from the drop-down lists of question 1, on REACH Annex XVII, and of question 2, on the substances of very high concern (or SVHCs). If the answer to question 2 is Yes, the items or series contain 0.1 % SVHC(s) or more by mass in any article, then you need to list the application SVHCs in section 3. 

Details on EU REACH, Annex XVII, and the list of SVHCs are available via a hyperlink here.

The last question, number 4, only applies if you have reported the in-scope products in the European SCIP database. Here, you can enter the SCIP alphanumerical number (e.g. 1234566789dfasdfawe) so that we can access your SCIP notification. If you are unsure of what the SCIP notification entails, feel free to click on the link for further explanation.

The POP Tab to Report Persistent Organic Pollutants

Only 2 questions are asked to confirm compliance with this other European requirement. Do the above parts contain any regulated Persistent Organic Pollutants (or POP substances)?

The updated list of POP substances is available on the link below. If the answer is yes, then you need to provide the names of such POP substances, in section 2.

Persistent Organic Pollutants - Hallogen Free

The Prop. 65 Tab of the EPEC Form

The tab of this California law is very similar to the POP one, barring the list of declarable substances, in section 2.

The TSCA Tab of the EPEC Form

Same thing here, except that this US federal law called the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA or Tosca) addresses persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals.

The Battery Tab

The idea is also the same here and applies to battery products, with restrictions of heavy metals according to section 1 and to perchlorate, per section 2. Please note that RoHS does not apply to batteries or accumulators.

The Packaging Tab of the EPEC Form

Finally, a tab is dedicated to packaging products. Just like batteries, packages are not regulated under RoHS. Only one question is asked, about the concentration of certain heavy metals. Just like every tab, a link with details on the regulation is offered for further information before providing your compliance details.

I hope this tutorial has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Enviropass.