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Energy Efficiency Canada - Efficacité énergétique

The Energy Efficiency Canada Regulations 2016 (SOR/2016-311) provide obligations to a list of electrical and electronic products.

To Whom do the Canadian Energy Efficiency Regulations Apply?

This Canadian Energy Efficiency Regulations apply to dealers, defined as:

  • Manufacturers;
  • Sellers; 
  • Leasers of regulated energy-using products in Canada; or
  • Importers who import such products.
Energy Efficiency - energy-using products

Specifically, energy-using products include:

  • Standby for electronic products;
  • Compact audio products;
  • Television (TV) and TV combination units;
  • Video products;
  • External power supplies designed for use with household or office end-use products; 
  • Lighting sources; or
  • Refrigeration appliances.

Obligations for Dealers

According to the Guide to Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations, dealers must:

  • First, ensure that all the units they ship or import into Canada comply with the standards outlined in the Regulations;
  • Second, provide an energy efficiency report to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) before they ship their product;
  • Third, attach an EnerGuide label, refrigeration nameplate, or lightning product label to each of their articles, if needed;
  • Finally, if importing, supply the appropriate import information to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and affix an energy efficiency verification mark to all their energy-using products.
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Summary of Energy Efficiency Obligations in Canada

1. Standards

Firstly, for each type of product, the NRCan provides, in the Regulations documents and online:

  • The definition;
  • The standards specifying how to test it to meet the applicable obligations;
  • Compliance dates;
  • The labeling conditions; and
  • The report requirements detailed below.

2. Energy Efficiency Report

Secondly, Unless exempted, this report should be sent via email, fax, or post to NRCan if the article in question is not already in their database.


In particular, the reporting document must include:

  • Product name;
  • Brand name;
  • Manufacturer’s credentials;
  • Model number;
  • Name of the party that tested the energy performance of the product;
  • Product energy-use characteristics;
  • Whether a mathematical model was used to determine any of the information above.

3. Labels

Thirdly, the EnerGuide label displays, in kilowatt-hours (kWh), the estimated energy consumption of the appliance per year. For instance:

  • The refrigeration nameplate includes:
    • The model;
    • The manufacturing date;
    • Its purpose.


  • The lightning label shows a lamp:
    • Light output in lumens;
    • Energy consumed in Watts;
    • Bulb lifespan in hours.
Energy Performance Label - EnerGuide Canada
Example of label

4. Import Information

Next, if a dealer is importing a regulated product, they must include the details below on the customs release document submitted to the CBSA:

  • Product name;
  • Brand name;
  • Model number;
  • Dealer address; and
  • Product purpose.

5. Verification Mark

Finally. the verification mark shows that:

  • The article complies with the energy efficiency standard; and
  • A certification body confirmed its energy performance.
Canada - Energy efficiency regulations

Importantly, this label must be visible and present before the dealer sells or ships goods. It is obligatory for all energy-using products.

Other Environmental Regulations in Canada

Undoubtedly, SOR/2016-311  Canadian regulations applicable to electronic devices. However, other federal environmental obligations apply to businesses. For example, they are the:

  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA); and 
  • Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations.
TSCA : 5 restricted substances in Products

Clearly, these laws impact the import and manufacture of chemicals.

Additionally, provincial and territorial procedures or policies may apply to appliances. Therefore, they may complement the federal obligations.

Obligations in Other Jurisdictions

Unquestionably, Canada is not the only jurisdiction implementing energy-related rules on devices. Indeed, they are arising worldwide. For example, there are:

UK comparative energy efficiency label - example

Of course, should you have any questions, contact Enviropass!

Le règlement canadien de 2016 sur l’efficacité énergétique (DORS/2016-311) fournit des exigences d’efficacité énergétique et de marquage pour plusieurs catégories de produits dont:

  • des produits électroniques en mode veille
  • des produits audio compacts
  • des téléviseurs ou systèmes de téléviseurs combinés
  • des appareils vidéo
  • des blocs d’alimentation externes conçus pour être utilisés avec des produits d’utilisation finale domestique ou de bureau constituant la charge principale.
Efficacité énergétique