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The Triman Logo

Sustainable shopping is becoming a high priority for consumers all around the world. Additionally, many countries are enacting more stringent regulations regarding product packaging. Accordingly, French legislations require manufacturers and importers to label their products’ packaging with the Triman logo and appropriate sorting instructions.

Triman Logo
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What is the Triman Logo?

France’s Environmental Decree for Waste Generating Products

There are various packaging compliance legislations worldwide. The Triman logo is one of the most significant recycling symbols. This logo is in force in France and represents a product’s recyclability. Since January 1, 2015, French Decree No. 2014-1577 requires manufacturers who sell in-scope goods to consumers in France to print the Triman logo on any medium accompanying the product, including its packaging or manuals, as a last resort.

Furthermore, there should be sorting instructions along with the Triman logo as of January 1, 2022. From December 15, 2022, manufacturers and importers of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) in France must use this logo on their packaging. This requirement includes batteries as well.

Notably, the Triman symbol and sorting recommendations must follow a standard format. Following a transition period, as of March 9, 2023, manufacturers and importers cannot sell their products without complying with the Triman requirements.

Non-Compliant products - electronic Toys
Batteries Symbol

What is the Triman Label for?

Products with the Triman logo are subject to expanded producer responsibility. The purpose of this symbol and sorting instructions is to standardize the separate collection systems within France and to make it easier for consumers to comprehend how to categorize their end-of-life items. Consequently, consumers should discard products with this logo in distinct waste streams.

Which Products Should Hold the Triman Logo?

All kinds of household packaging must bear the Triman marking regardless of the materials used (e.g., paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, aluminum, etc.). The only exception to this regulation is glass beverage bottles.

Here are examples of household products that must bear the Triman logo:

Household Packaging Triman logo
  • Electrical and electronic products
  • Batteries
  • Furniture
  • Tires
  • Printed paper products
  • Linens
  • Textiles, clothing, and shoes

The Triman Sorting Instructions

Moreover, sorting instructions accompanying in-scope products are mandatory per the Triman rules. Typically, they include material details and disposal options. They can be in text, symbols, or both. Notably, the text should be in French because it is a legislative requirement that only applies to the French market. Therefore, having the content in English alone would not be adequate for compliance.

Ecodesign Requirements - instruction manual

What are the Challenges of the Triman Logo?

European Union Product Environmental Compliance

Despite having excellent intentions, the Triman logo has certain drawbacks. First, no European country other than France has mandated the Triman symbol. Hence, its compatibility with global trade is uncertain.

Second, according to a survey, more than half of the products, including those from major international corporations, fail to include the Triman logo. Additionally, the survey revealed that many products employ numerous emblems or utilize this symbol incorrectly. These situations lead to confusing consumers.

Finally, the marking itself could be costly to execute for producers, as they must adapt their designs to satisfy the requirements of only one national market.

What Penalties Apply for Non-Compliance?

Unless an exception applies, businesses must guarantee that every packaging carries the Triman logo and related sorting instructions. According to articles L171-8 and L173-1 of the Code de l’environnement, the French Environmental Act, surveillance authorities may issue a warning in the event of non-compliance. Furthermore, persistent non-compliance can result in fines of up to 100,000 euros or a prison sentence of up to two years. Finally, businesses must spend money redesigning their packaging in case of non-compliance with the French decree.

Besides, EEE could have other product environmental labels than the Triman symbol. Contact Enviropass to learn more about your company’s responsibilities towards environmental product regulations.