The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) added five new chemicals to the ECHA REACH SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) candidate list on December 17th, 2015.
Notably, the Candidate List of SVHCs is a list of chemicals hazardous to the environment and human health.
Below is a table outlining the details of the five substances new to REACH 168 SVHC. It includes their names, CAS numbers, typical applications, and potentially harmful impacts on health and the environment.
Substance Name | CAS # | Where used | Health and Environmental Concerns |
1,3-propanesultone | 1120-71-4 |
2,4-di-tert-butyl-6-(5-chlorobenzotriazol-2-yl)phenol, or UV-327 | 3864-99-1 | Used as a UV-protection agent in:
2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(tert-butyl)-6-(sec-butyl)phenol, or UV-350 | 36437-37-3 | Also used as a UV-protection agent in:
| Same as above |
Nitrobenzene | 98-95-3 | Involved in the production of aniline, which is present in:
Also used in:
Should not be present in electrical and electronic equipment |
Perfluorononan-1-oic acid (PNFA) and its sodium and ammonium salts (group entry) | 375-95-1, 21049-39-8, and 4149-60-4 | Can be found in:
Consequently, these new additions brought the ECHA REACH SVHC list to 168 substances.
We have updated our Enviropass Product Environmental Compliance EPEC Form according to the current ECHA REACH SVHC and Annex XVII list.
Enviropass can assist you with the REACH SVHC, Annex XVII, and SCIP notifications. We also offer unique training on REACH, SVHC, and SCIP.
Ask Enviropass for a free consultation hour!
Cinq nouvelles substances REACH ont été ajouté aujourd’hui à la liste de SVHC (substances extrêmement préoccupantes) :
1,3-Propane sultone (CAS # 1120-71-4) utilisé dans les fluides électrolytes de piles au lithium (solvant).
UV-327 (2,4-Di-tert-butyl-6-(5-chlorobenzotriazole-2-yl)phénol) (CAS # 3864-99-1), utilisé comme anti-UV dans des revêtements, des plastiques, le polyuréthane ou le caoutchouc.
UV-350 (2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(tert-butyl)-6-(sec-butyl)phénol) (CAS # 36437-37-3), également utilisé comme anti-UV dans des revêtements, des plastiques, le polyuréthane ou le caoutchouc.